Boiler Servicing

Stay safe and save money with an annual boiler service from our expert engineers.

All our staff will always be delighted to assist with whatever enquiry you may have.

Email :

[email protected]

Phone :

0800 009 6774



Unit 3, Holm Industrial Estate


DG10 9JU

"Great service from Scott Galloway. Very professional and thorough. Will use again for any heating or plumbing work."

N. MacLennan


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It’s important to have your boiler serviced every year by a qualified professional. The last thing you want is a breakdown in the middle of winter or to wake up for work to find out there’s no hot water.

Save money on repairs

Our expert Gas & Heating Engineers will be able to find any minor faults and prevent what could turn into a major issue or even a full blown break down in the future.

Identify dangerous gas leaks

If your boiler hasn’t been installed correctly, badly maintained or not serviced frequently enough, it can produce carbon monoxide gas. According to the Health and Safety Executive, carbon monoxide (CO) poisoning kills around 20 people per year and the main cause is from gas appliances being incorrectly installed, maintained or ventilated.

Reduce your fuel bill

Our expert Gas & Heating Engineers will make sure that your boiler is running as efficiently as possible, which can save you money on your fuel bills.

What servicing a boiler entails:

Overview of our boiler servicing procedures:

  • Visually inspect boiler to ensure that there are no visible defects and that it complies with safety regulations.
  • Switch on boiler to test basic operation prior to testing.
  • Check and test all main components: burners, injectors, heat exchangers, condensate trap and fan.
  • Inspect electrical connections and pipework.
  • Take readings with flue gas analyser to ensure the gas valve and make sure the boiler is running safely and to manufacturer’s specification.
  • Gas rate boiler to ensure that it is burning the correct amount of gas.
  • Also carry out working pressure tests between gas meter and boiler.
  • Clean out magnetic system filter (if fitted).
  • Clean out condensate trap.
  • Finally we will issue an electronic CP6 servicing certificate.

Signs that your boiler is in need of a service:

  • Hot water has limited flow or not as hot as it should be.
  • Boiler overheating or needs refilling frequently
  • Fan makes a noise.
  • Water pressure keeps dropping.
  • Pump noisy.
  • Constantly resetting the boiler.
  • Stains on or near the appliance – On older boilers
  • Pilot light keeps going out – On older boilers
  • Irregular or yellow flame.